* Indicates Mandatory Fields
Yes No
*Have you ever been convicted of, or plead guilty or no contest to, a misdemeanor or felony in this state or any other?
*Mycobacterium Tuberculosis is transmitted by air, carried in droplets that are created when a person with respiratory TB coughs, sneezes or shouts. TB Infection occurs when someone inhales the droplet particles containing the Mycobacterium. A person may have no symptoms, but still have latent TB infection (LTBI) and may develop TB disease at some point in their lives. TB skin tests may become positive in 2 to 12 weeks after the exposure. The following criteria is utilized to identify if an employee has potential TB. This criteria is also utilized to determine if an employee needs another chest xray. This information is also presented in training. Do you have any of the following Potential active symptoms of TB which include but limited to: Persistent cough greater than 2 weeks duration, Bloody sputum, Hoarseness, Fatigue, Chest pain, Night sweats, Weight loss, Anorexia, or Fever?
*Do you consider yourself part of any of the following groups that have a higher prevalence of TB infection? 1. Medically underserved populations 2. Homeless individuals 3. Current or past prison inmates 4. Alcoholics 5. Injecting drug users 6. Elderly 7. Foreignborn persons from Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America 8. Contacts to individuals with TB 9. Groups with a greater risk to progress from latent TB infection to active disease 10. Individuals with HIV infection, silicosis, SIP gastrectomy or jejunoileal bypass surgery, greater than 10 lb. Below normal body weight, chronic renal failure, diabetes mellitus, immunosuppressed due to medication, and those with some malignancies. 11. Individuals who have been infected within the past 2 years and individuals with fibrotic lung disease on chest xray.
Quality One Care Home Health Inc. is Subject to Certain Governmental Record keeping and reporting requirements for the administration of Civil Rights Law and Regulations. In order to comply with these laws, Quality One Care Home Health Inc. Invites Employees to Voluntarily self-Identity their Race or Ethnicity. Submission of this information is voluntary and refusal to provide it will not subject you to any adverse treatment. The information obtained will be kept confidential and may only be used in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws, execution orders, and regulations, including those that require the information to be summarized and reported to the Federal Government for CIVIL Rights enforcement. When reported, data will not identify any specific individual.